Specialized Family Legal Services & Mediation
In appreciation to our active military, police, firefighters, and public school teachers,
the Law Office of Linda Lee Cechura, PLLC offers a 10% discount on her regular hourly rate.
Family Law
The Law Office of Linda Lee Cechura, PLLC handles family-related issues.
This includes cases dealing with the following specific areas:
Legal Separation
Child Custody
Modification of Child Support
Modification of Child Custody
Child Support Enforcement
Spousal Support
Grandparent's Rights
Termination of Parental Rights
Protection Orders
Name Changes
Austin Bar Family Law Section
Children's Protective Services (CPS) Cases
Collaborative Law Divorces
Making decisions regarding marital issues and children can be very stressful. The more stress involved in the decision-making process, the more difficult making your decision in an objective, practical manner will be.
Linda Cechura understands that, as your attorney, a critical part of her job is to help you make well-reasoned, informed decisions as you go through divorce and related family law issues. She strives to provide a calm, understanding zone of reason for you while she informs and educates you about the process, your options and possible outcomes.
Collaborative Law
Collaborative Law is a process which allows the parties to settle their divorces and other family law matters with minimal time in court. Collaborative Law is a process which allows the parties to settle their divorces and other family law matters with minimal time in court.

Mediation is a process where a neutral third party help parties in conflicts reach a settlement without the further stress and expense of litigation costs. The "mediator" is a neutral person, trained and skilled at facilitating communications, negotiations and dispute resolution.
A mediator does not hear evidence nor make a decision for the parties. A mediator works will all parties to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties. Mediation does not end in a "winner-take-all" / "loser-take-nothing" decision. Mediation ends when all parties find a solution all parties can live with; a mutually acceptable resolution.
There are many advantages to mediation. Mediation offers high probability that the dispute can be resolved without extensive discovery, the trial preparation and trial itself.
These cost savings can be measured in terms of money, time and emotional investment in the case. Further, mediation can bring settlement negotiations and/or final resolutions about much quicker than if the case proceeds to trial.
Wills / Estate planning
Estate Planning is the process whereby a person develops a plan and prepares documents to conserve, protect, and distribute estate assets before and after death for the benefit of loved ones and charities, taking into consideration the effect of state and federal tax and administrative laws and regulations. It can also involve planning for the use of your assets for your care if you become unable to manage your affairs during your lifetime.

The Law Office of Linda Lee Cechura can help you in the preparation of:
Simple Wills for Non-Taxable Estates
Simple Trusts and Related Documents
Directives to Physicians and Health Care Surrogates and Medical Powers of Attorney
Durable Powers of Attorney for Financial and Health Related Matters and Papers Regarding Do Not Resuscitate Orders, or "DNRs".
Declaration of Guardian for You or Your Child